Movies Inspire Some to Jump

“Navy SEALS”, a 1990 movie starring Charlie Sheen, features a classic HALO jumping scene that has inspired several Incredible Adventures clients to schedule their own high-altitude skydiving adventure.

HALO jumping scenes also appear in the 2014 movie “Godzilla” and in the movie “Act of Valor”.

Note: Video clips may contain adult language.

Navy SEALS Clip

Godzilla Clip.



Special Eclipse Jumps Near Nashville

On August 21st, a series of special high-altitude “HAHO” jumps are set to take place near Nashville, Tennessee, when the moon crosses the sun and turns day into night. Nashville lies in “the path of totality” and is one of the best places in the US to observe this rare natural event. Skydivers will have a ringside seat in the air for the total eclipse of the sun. If you’d like to be part of this historic skydiving event, call 800-644-7382.


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